All the burning questions our customers need answering in one handy place
Browse our list of the most popular questions we get from the iCompleat community.
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Accessing iCompleat
How do I log in to iCompleat?
To log in to iCompleat, go to, enter your username and password, and hit Login.
I’ve forgotten my password for iCompleat - how do I reset it?
To reset your iCompleat password, go to the iCompleat login page at and click Forgotten your password?. Then follow the steps on the screen to reset it.
Check out this guide to see the full steps.
As an Admin, how do I reset another user’s password?
To reset another user’s iCompleat password, go to Users and select the user from the list. In their profile, click Reset password. The user will receive an email from iCompleat with instructions to reset their password.
How do I get an invoice to match an order?
For an invoice to match an order, an iCompleat administrator in your company must switch on the invoice matching feature.
When invoice matching is switched on, iCompleat will automatically match all unprocessed invoices with their corresponding order.
Depending on the matching settings your iCompleat administrator configures, there are various matching statuses that can appear against invoices and orders.
In certain circumstances you can manually match an invoice to an order from the invoice tray. Visit our invoice matching section, go to the relevant matching status you’re encountering and follow steps on how to manually perform matching.
Receipting orders
How do I switch on the Receipting feature?
As an iCompleat administrator, you need to switch on receipting for each supplier individually within the Suppliers area of iCompleat.
Check out our Receipting guide for the full steps.
How do I undo a receipted item?
Once you’ve receipted a line on an order, you can’t undo it.
Check out our Receipting guide for more information.
Accounting software integration
Which Sage connector should I use?
Check out our guide on how to find your Sage version number and choose a connector.
How do I disconnect my accounting software from iCompleat?
Disconnecting your accounting software from iCompleat means iCompleat can no longer access your data or post invoices.
To disconnect, go to Configuration > Company > Connection, and click Disconnect.
My connector is out of date – how do I update it to the latest version?
If you use Sage 50 or 200, check out Updating your Sage connector.
How do I find out when an invoice was posted to my accounting software?
In the approved tray, hover over the journal number in the far-right column next to an invoice. The full journal number and posting date are displayed. To find out more, read this guide: Check your invoice has been posted to your accounting software.
Managing suppliers
How do I add a new supplier to iCompleat?
If iCompleat is connected to your accounting software, any new suppliers that you add to your accounting software will be available in iCompleat after your next scheduled cache, or after you perform a manual cache.
If the permissions to create new suppliers in your finance system is enabled, AP operators can Map and create suppliers during invoice processing.
If you’re using iCompleat with the Universal Connector, you can add a new supplier manually to your reference data.
What are supplier defaults and how do I set them up?
Supplier defaults let you pre-code the invoices fields for certain suppliers. When it comes to processing invoices from the supplier, fields from the invoice layout such as tax, project, currency, and department will be automatically coded with the supplier defaults.
Supplier defaults can be set up by an AP operator during invoice processing, or by a company Administrator in Suppliers > Supplier defaults.
How do I change my supplier defaults?
Compleat administrators can update supplier defaults in the Suppliers area of iCompleat.
AP operators can update the supplier defaults by clicking Apply defaults during invoice processing.
What does Your supplier reference number is not unique mean?
This message appears on the invoice summary page if your company has the duplicate invoice checking feature switched on, and an invoice arrives in the Unprocessed tray that contains the same reference number as an invoice already in iCompleat.
How do I download an invoice?
If you’re using iCompleat’s Universal Connector and an administrator has granted you permission to download invoices, you’ll see the Invoice download tile on the iCompleat homepage.
Check out Download your invoice data to find out more.
Integrated Online buying
How do I integrate iCompleat with Amazon?
It’s quick and easy to set up Integrated Online Buying and begin ordering through iCompleat with top suppliers like Amazon and Lyreco.
Check out our guide on setting up Integrated Online Buying to see how.
How do I set up Integrated Online Buying?
If you’re an iCompleat administrator it’s quick and easy to set up Integrated Online Buying in a couple of minutes.
Check out our guide on setting up Integrated Online Buying to see how.
Which suppliers integrate with iCompleat?
iCompleat can integrate with the following cXML sppliers:
- Amazon Business
- Browns Books
- Commercial by Natura
- Lyreco
- McMaster-Carr
- Misumi
- Office Depot
- Office Team
- Staples
- StemCell Technologies
- Thermo-Fisher
- WB Mason
Check out our guide on setting up Integrated Online Buying to learn more.
Invoice packs
What is an invoice pack?
An invoice pack is a list of fully approved, ready-to-pay invoices, giving you a useful overview of every approved invoice's audit trail within iCompleat. Invoice packs are created in iCompleat as PDFs, which can be printed and downloaded.
Check out our guide on Invoice packs to find out more.
How do I approve an invoice pack?
If an iCompleat administrator has enabled your permission to approve invoice packs, you can approve them by clicking Invoice packs on the iCompleat homepage, and then clicking Approve next to a pack.
You can also approve an invoice pack you’ve created.
Check out our guide on Invoice packs to find out more.
Why can’t I find an invoice to add to an invoice pack?
If you can’t find an invoice that you’d like to add to a pack, or there are no available invoices to add to an invoice pack, this means that there are no approved invoices in iCompleat that haven't yet been added to an invoice pack.
Only fully approved invoices can be added to an invoice pack. Once an invoice has been added to an invoice pack, it can’t be added to another pack.
Check out our guide on Invoice packs to find out more.
What accepted file types can I attach to orders?
Supporting documents can be uploaded as the following file types: .pdf, .rtf, any Microsoft Office file (including .msg).
How do I change my preferred delivery site?
To change your preferred delivery site, hover over the profile icon in the top-right of iCompleat, and click your name.
Select a new delivery site from the Preferred delivery site drop-down, and click Save.
How do I send an order to a different delivery address?
If an iCompleat administrator in your company has enabled manual delivery address entry with the order layout, you can manually enter a delivery address at the point of creating an order.
To do this, click the address button to the right of the Deliver to drop-down when you’re creating a new order.
Check out this guide for the full steps.
Why are certain fields required when I create an order?
The fields and drop-downs available to edit when you’re creating an order are determined by the order layout configured by your iCompleat administrator. Some fields may be mandatory or optional, depending on the settings your iCompleat administrator has configured.
Check out Layouts to learn more.
Processing invoices
My invoice line totals don’t add up – how do I correct the totals?
If the line total on an invoice doesn’t match the header total, you’ll see a red banner at the top of the invoice summary page letting you know.
To use our improved line editing feature to resolve this, click Actions in the bottom-right, then click Improved Lines Preview at the top of the menu.
This lets you click individual values on the lines to quickly edit them. Follow the full steps in this guide to see how.
What are iCompleat invoicing best practices?
Our top 3 tips are:
- Ask your suppliers to send invoices direct to iCompleat
- If your suppliers can’t send invoices straight to iCompleat, set up an auto-forward rule
- Ensure invoices are in the original “intelligent” PDF format
For more tips, check out Sending invoices to iCompleat.
How do I find an invoice in iCompleat?
All invoices in iCompleat can be found in any of the trays in Invoices, depending on their status (unprocessed, approved, denied, etc.).
If you can’t find the invoice you’re looking for, try searching for it using the search tool in the top-right of the trays. This lets you search all the trays for any keyword or combination of letters and/or numbers found on an invoice.
A good place to start is by searching for the invoice reference number if you have it to hand.
What happens if I receive a duplicate invoice?
If your iCompleat administrator has switched on duplicate invoice checking, you will either get:
- Error warnings in the invoice tray when a duplicate invoice arrives in iCompleat, or
- An error message on the invoice summary page that prevents you from processing the invoice until the duplication has been resolved.
If matching is switched on, you’ll see the invoice duplicate matching status.
What accepted file types can I attach to invoices?
Supporting documents can be uploaded as the following file types: .pdf, .rtf, any Microsoft Office file (including .msg).
Can I turn off mapping supplier defaults?
You can’t switch off the supplier defaults feature, but you can remove supplier defaults if they’re no longer required.
To do this, go to Suppliers on the iCompleat homepage > Supplier defaults.
Why are certain fields required when I process an invoice?
The fields required when processing and coding invoices are determined by the layout that has been applied to the invoice.
The layout is a template configured by your iCompleat administrator that determines what fields are available to code, and whether or not they’re mandatory.
Check out Layouts to learn more.
Sending invoices to iCompleat
What invoice file types does iCompleat accept?
The invoice file types accepted by iCompleat are:
- PDF (.pdf) (Recommended)
- Excel (.xls or .xlsx)
- MS Word (.docx)
- TIFF (.tif)
The swiftest, most accurate way to get your invoices processed in iCompleat is by asking your suppliers to send the original "intelligent" PDF, or well formatted and clearly scanned invoice, directly to iCompleat.
Check out Recommended digital invoice format for more tips.
How do I set up auto forward to iCompleat?
Auto forward is a great way to make use of our Capture software!
Before you start using the auto-forward, please let us know the e-mail addresses you’ll be forwarding ‘from and to’ by contacting
A little configuration is needed at our end to ensure your invoices successfully appear in iCompleat.
Check out setting up Outlook auto forwarding to iCompleat for the full steps.
Can I send an invoice to iCompleat in Microsoft Word format?
We don’t advise sending invoices to iCompleat that aren’t in PDF format.
Our Capture software may find it difficult to decipher the information on an invoice in Microsoft Word format, meaning your invoice could take upwards of one working day to arrive in iCompleat.
What is invoice Capture?
Capture is the data extraction software that reads the information on your invoices and turns it into editable fields that can be read and coded in iCompleat.
All invoices pass through Capture before landing in iCompleat. When you see the green banner at the top of your invoice trays letting you know there’s an invoice on the way, that means the invoice is in Capture having its data extracted.
Our Invoices Extracting feature lets you view the invoices that are on their way to your trays.
Check out Sending invoices to iCompleat to learn more.
Does iCompleat accept invoices in .docx format?
An invoice sent to iCompleat in .docx format may take upwards of one working day to arrive in iCompleat. It’s much quicker and more effective to have your suppliers submit invoices to iCompleat in their original “intelligent” PDF format.
Check out Sending invoices to iCompleat to learn more.
Approvals & workflows
What is an approval threshold and how do I add one to a workflow?
An approval threshold means that the approval group will only come into play within a workflow if a transaction sent to it has a net value above the threshold amount.
Check out Workflows to learn how to create an approval threshold.
Why is an approver not seeing invoices sent to them for approval?
If an approver is part of a workflow an invoice has been submitted to, but isn’t seeing the invoice in their Awaiting approval tray, one of the following may apply:
- The approver is part of a group that has an approval threshold applied and is therefore exempt from approving the invoice.
- The approver has a personal approval threshold set up (in Users > User’s profile > User access) and is therefore exempt from approving the invoice.
- The invoice was submitted to an auto-approval workflow and has bypassed approval.
- The approver is part of an approval group and another user has already approved the invoice on behalf of the group.
How do I set an approval nominee?
You can set an approval nominee for yourself by clicking the profile icon in the top-right of iCompleat, clicking your name, and selecting a user from the Nominee drop-down.
You can set an approval nominee for another user by going to Users, opening a user’s profile, and selecting a user from the Nominee drop-down.
Check out this guide to learn more.
How do I send an invoice to a specific workflow?
When an invoice is fully coded, you’ll see the Submit button in the bottom-right of the editing page. Click this button to see the workflows available for this invoice.
Can I copy a workflow?
Yes! It’s quick and easy to copy a workflow. Just open a workflow, click Actions in the bottom right, and select Duplicate.
Check out Workflows to learn more.
Admin setup
How do I set up email notifications to users?
In the Events area you can configure the alerts that transaction owners, AP operators, and approvers receive.
Check out this guide to see how.
You can also go to the Notifications area in iCompleat to set up automatic nudges and daily reports for AP Operators and Approvers.
Can I change my company name?
You can’t change your company name yourself in iCompleat. If you need to change your company name, please contact support and we'll make the change for you.
What do the different user types mean?
Check out this guide to learn about the purpose of AP operators, admins, company admins, order creators and approvers in iCompleat.
I can’t find my company in iCompleat – where is it?
If you’ve got multiple companies set up in iCompleat, click the company name in the top-right of the homepage and select the company you want to view from the drop-down.
A list of your companies appears and you can click one to open it.
How do I customise an order or invoice layout?
Check out Layouts to find out everything there is to know about perfecting your invoice, order and credit note layouts.
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