Create an order from scratch in iCompleat
Creating an order in iCompleat is quick and easy.
When you create an order, you can code it line by line or all at once, add submission comments for approvers, attach useful supporting documents, and submit the order to a workflow for approval.
Depending on how your iCompleat administrator has configured your company, iCompleat might automatically submit your order to the supplier the second that it's fully approved.
If you regularly send similar orders you can duplicate existing orders to make the process quicker.
Create a new order
To start creating an order you can either click the Create a new order button on the iCompeat homepage:
Or, hover over the green plus (+) icon in the bottom-right of any order tray.
The header fields you see when creating an order may vary depending on what your iCompleat administrator has enabled for the order layout, and which finance system you're connected to.
We cover the mandatory and most common header fields in these steps.
- Give your order a title.
If you don't want to use the default order layout, select a different one from the Layout drop-down.
Layouts are order templates that your iCompleat administrator might have added default fields and codes to.
Select a supplier from the drop-down.
If not already selected by default, select a delivery location from the Deliver to drop-down.
- (Optional) If an iCompleat administrator has enabled manual address entry, you can have your order sent to a delivery address you've not used before.
i. Click the manual address entry button.
ii. Enter the delivery address in the popup window, and click Save.
iii. The delivery address field now displays the message Manually entered.
Select a Delivery Date from the calendar icon.
The delivery date defaults to the next day, but you can change this if you need to.
The delivery date is for guidance only, and does not guarantee delivery on your preferred day.
The Supplier's ordering email address field automatically updates with the supplier's email address from your finance system or reference data.
You can click and edit the email address for this occasion if you need to.
Enter a Justification Comment.
You'll see this field if your administrator has enabled it for the order layout.
The justification comment is a short message for approvers to see when they open the order. It's there to let them know the reason you're placing the order.
- Enter a Supplier Comment.
You'll see this field if your administrator has enabled it for the order layout.
The supplier comment goes on the Purchase Order PDF that's gets generated when your order is complete. It's useful for giving the supplier extra information, like delivery instructions or notes about items and prices on the order.
- When you've completed all header fields, click Save in the bottom-right.
- Your order is saved as a draft with the completed header fields.
It is saved with a requisition number, which appears in the top-left.
You can save an incomplete order at any time, and return to it in the Saved tray to complete and submit it later.
One you've completed the order header, it's time to add lines.
Like the header, the line options you see when creating an order may vary depending on what your iCompleat administrator has enabled for the order layout, and which finance system you're connected to.
If your administrator has created supplier defaults, lines may be automatically coded as you add them to orders.
- Click the plus (+) button to add a line item.
- Enter the Item Code, Unit Cost, and Description provided by the supplier.
- Enter the item Quantity.
The net cost is automatically generated.
- The sales tax in this example is set at line level, and the Gross line total is automatically generated.
- Select any Analysis fields.
Here, Project and Department are set at line level.
- When you've finished completing all line-level fields, click Save in the bottom-right.
- Click the plus (+) button to add any remaining line items.
Click the red X to the right of a line to delete it.
(Optional) If you're planning on adding multiple line items with the same analysis coding, you can use the quick actions menu to apply the same codes to all lines at once.
i. Click the lightning button, and select the analysis field.
ii. Select the analysis code from the drop-down.
iii. Select the top checkbox to apply the code to all lines, or select individual checkboxes to apply the code to specific lines only.
iv. Click OK to apply the coding.
Submit an order for approval
When you're happy with the header and line information you've entered and you're ready to submit your order for approval, all you need to do is select a workflow.
Here's how.
- Click Submit in the bottom-left, then select a workflow.
The Submit button will only appear after you've filled in all the order fields and clicked Save.
- Nice one!
A notification appears confirming that your order is submitted, along with a requisition number.
The order you just created is now in your Submitted tray under that order number, and has been sent to its chosen workflow for approval.
If you're the first approver in the workflow you've just selected, the order will go straight to your Awaiting Approval tray.
The Actions menu in the bottom-right of the order editing page provides useful additional options.
Delete an order
If you want to delete an order you're creating for any reason, follow these steps within the order.
- Go to Actions in the bottom-right of the order, and click Delete.
- Enter a reason for deleting the order, before clicking Delete to confirm.
- The order goes to your Deleted tray, and the record of your deleting it and reason appear on the order's Approval Timeline.
Add a note to an order
You can add notes to an order for approvers and other users who deal with the order to read. Notes can include any information about an order that's relevant to the ordering and approval process.
Follow these steps to add a note to an order.
- Go to Actions in the bottom-right corner, and click Notes.
- Type your note.
(Optional) You can an icon to make your note stand out in the order tray.
i. Click Add Icon.
ii. Select an icon and a colour, and click Select.
- Click Add note.
- Your note is added.
Click Close.
- In the bottom-right of the order, click Save.
Add attachments to an order
Attachments can be any documents containing useful information relating to the order, like an invoice, email conversation, or price quote. You can add one or several attachments to a single order.
Approvers and other iCompleat users who come into contact with the order will be able to see any attachments that you add.
Follow these steps to add an attachment to an order.
- Go to Actions in the bottom-right. and click Add attachments.
- Click Select files.
- Find the file on your PC and select it.
- From the drop-down, choose the Attachment type.
- Click the upload button.
- Your attachment is added!
Click anywhere outside the popup to close it, and click Save in the bottom-right, or click Select file and repeat steps 3-5 to add more attachments.
Duplicate an order
If your company regularly places very similar orders, it could be quicker for you to duplicate your orders. This lets you quickly create a copy of a previous order, with the option to edit some fields, and edit or add more items.
When you create a duplicate order, it inherits the layout of the order it's being duplicated from, and you can't select a different layout.
You can duplicate an order from any order tray, as long as it was created natively in iCompleat and not using Integrated Online Buying.
- Go to Actions in the bottom-right of an order. and click Create duplicate.
- The header and line settings from the original order appear, with the Title field empty for you to rename the new order.
You can add new items and edit any fields you need to, including the copied items and their coding.
When you're ready, click Submit and select a workflow to submit the order for approval.
- Nice work! A notification appears confirming that your order is submitted, along with a requisition number. The duplicated order you just created is in your Submitted tray, and has been sent to the selected workflow for approval.
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