Hey, there!
Welcome to what's new, improved, and fixed in iCompleat on 13th August 2020. We're particularly proud of this week's show-stopping line-up...
What's new
Automatic approval for fully matched invoices
iCompleat can now fast-track fully approved invoices straight for automatic approval!
If you're happy that your fully matched invoices are good to go, this simple trick eliminates the need to have a second approval at the invoice stage.
This new feature can be access in the Manage events area of iCompleat. In the drop-downs, just select Invoice and credit notes, then A transaction has been received by the system, and click Automatically approve or submit, if possible. Switch the toggle on, and you're all set!
Achieve a full match despite small price discrepancies
Got bigger fish to fry than a two-pence overmatch? We thought so. That's why we've added a new Variance setting behind invoice layouts, which tells iCompleat to fully match invoices to orders even if the amount varies slightly.
Simply go into an invoice layout, click the new Variance tab, switch on the toggle, and enter the 'give-or-take' amount you're happy for icompleat to overlook. When an invoice matches an order with a price discrepancy that's equal to or less than the amount you enter, iCompleat will default to a full match.
Correcting invoice totals is smarter
We've improved our correct totals feature, providing a clear resolution to get your invoices into that all-important approval workflow ASAP.
When a totals review is required on an invoice, you'll see the new Review button in the top-right of the invoice editing page.
Selecting this presents three options, with a mini explanation for each option to help you make the right decision:
- Auto-correct the difference (instant satisfaction!)
- Accept the difference
- Manually correct the totals yourself
Happy invoice processing!
Invoice editing page not loading correctly
Sometimes, the invoice editing wouldn't load correctly, or it would load but some of the fields and drop-downs were unresponsive.
Order reports displaying incorrect values
If you had multiple invoices part-matched to one order, the remaining totals displayed in order reports were incorrect.
Invoice pack error
Some customers were encountering an error when trying to create an invoice pack that included invoices with manually added attachments.
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