Check out what's new, improved, and fixed in iCompleat on 15th November 2020.
What's new
Receipting is here!
iCompleat's new receipting feature has landed, bringing you more accurate reporting results, enhanced spend management, and the ability to track and manage your receipted items straight from the order tray.
Users with access to the Approved tray in Manage orders can now quickly receipt and edit individual order lines on fully approved orders, keeping an accurate and up-to-date record of goods received. There's also the option to cancel any line items that your company hasn't received.
As well as making invoice matching more accurate, with the option to add a receipt reference to compare against incoming invoices, the receipting feature enhances iCompleat's existing reporting features. The All Open Orders, Committed Spend, and Accruals reports now show a more detailed picture of spending, taking into account receipted and cancelled line items in their reporting results.
To see how to use receipting, go to Receipting orders.
Retry posting for multiple posting failures at once
Posting failures are only a minor blip thanks to the new bulk posting button in the Posting failures tray. Nestled in the Posting failures tab itself, the simple white icon made of two arrows is your key to reposting multiple posting failures in one fell swoop.
Before this button, you'd have to retry posting for each individual invoice in the tray one by one. Now, on the rare occasion when there's been a connection failure between iCompleat and your finance system, or multiple invoices have failed to post for another reason, you can correct the issue, and then simply click the icon in the Posting failures tab to have iCompleat attempt to repost all of your posting failures at once - just like that!
To find out more about resolving posting failures in iCompleat, go to How to resolve posting failures.
Administrators: Restrict users' access to certain suppliers
iCompleat Administrators can now restrict the access that certain groups of users have to suppliers when they're creating orders or coding invoices.
To do this, simply go to Manage layouts, and open an order or invoice layout, and go to the Settings Group tab. Now, as well as being able to restrict values related to codes such as Tax, Account, and Currency for the settings group, there's also the option to restrict the Supplier Name.
One you've selected Supplier Name within a settings group, you then have the option to choose which supplier will be pre-selected by default for the transactions that the settings group can edit. You can then choose to restrict the other suppliers available for the user to select, or simply select the Select All checkbox if you'd only like the settings group to have access to your chosen default supplier.
To find out more about settings group, go to Customising layouts.
Some options for correcting invoice line totals weren't always available
When you coded the VAT rate on invoice lines, and the new lines total was slightly different to the header total, the 'Review' button wouldn't always offer the right options to correct the totals.
Supplier default VAT rate wasn't being applied to invoice lines
If you had a default VAT rate mapped against a supplier, sometimes that VAT rate wouldn't be applied to the supplier's invoice lines.
Invoice line coding was sometimes disappearing after you saved it
Sometimes, if you coded invoice lines, saved your changes, then left the invoice, your changes would not be applied when you returned to the invoice.
Switching companies in our new UI was causing a screen issue
If you were using our new UI and you switched companies, the left-hand menu panel would duplicate, creating a nesting effect. We've sorted this.
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