We recommend you follow our Getting Started guide or have a training session with our support team, before you process your first invoice. Contact us on support@icompleat.com to arrange a training session.
Time to process your first invoice!
The first invoice from any supplier will land in your iCompleat Unprocessed tray. An unprocessed invoice is simply one that iCompleat hasn't been configured to code or submit for approval automatically.
It might take a few moments for your first invoice to arrive in iCompleat after your supplier emails it to your e-invoicing email address. This is completely normal, & you'll see a notification in your Unprocessed tray letting you know that your invoice is with us & we're working on it.
To process your first invoice, follow these steps.
- On the homepage, click Manage invoices.
- The Unprocessed tray opens, containing any new & unprocessed invoices from your suppliers.
Click an unprocessed invoice.
- The invoice summary page appears. There's lots of useful information on here about your invoice, including the invoice number, date, its net, vat, & gross totals, & a list of line items. In the bottom-right corner, click Edit.
- The invoice editing page appears.
On the left, there's a preview of the invoice PDF. Any supporting documents that came with the invoice, including the email body text, are available to select from a drop-down & view here, too.
On the right, the information we found on the invoice has been converted into editable fields. The numbers in the top-right represent each line found on the invoice, & you can select each one to view & edit its line information.
- First, let's select a supplier.
Under Supplier, select the correct supplier from the drop-down.
If you've enabled creating new suppliers in your company's Behavior settings, you can add a new supplier that's not in your finance system or reference data at this stage too, if necessary. Go to Create a new supplier when processing an invoice to see how.
- Now let's create some rules for future invoices from this supplier.
Click Map supplier defaults.
- From the drop-downs, select the default codes you'd like iCompleat to apply to future invoices from this supplier.
You can leave some of these fields blank if you don't want defaults to be applied to them.
Selecting a default workflow means that future invoices from this supplier will bypass the Unprocessed tray & be automatically submitted for approval - providing all other default codes are mapped, there are no discrepancies in values & totals, & the invoice is otherwise ready to be submitted.
- When you're happy with your defaults, click Save.
- iCompleat takes a couple of seconds to save your new defaults.
When the 'No changes to process' message appears, click OK.
- Now you've created some defaults for the supplier, iCompleat has applied them to this invoice.
You can check they've been applied by clicking one of the line buttons at the top to see the line information.
Select any missing codes you didn't map from the drop-downs within each line item.
- When you're happy with the coding on the invoice, you're ready to submit your first invoice for approval.
In the bottom-left of the screen, click the purple SUBMIT button, & select a workflow from the popup menu.
If you selected a default workflow in the default mappings step, you'll just see a button for that workflow instead of the SUBMIT button.
- If you have matching switched on in iCompleat, a message will now appear letting you know the invoice's matching status has changed.
Select Yes.
(If you don't have matching switched on, move to the next step.)
Go to Matching statuses explained to learn more.
- The Automatic Supplier Link-Up dialog box appears asking if you would like to automatically link up all invoices from this supplier with the supplier saved in your finance system or reference data.
Click Yes.
- All done!
The Unprocessed tray appears again, along with a notification letting you know that your invoice has been submitted, & an invoice number allocated by iCompleat.
If you find your first invoice isn't straightforward to process, it could be for one of the reasons below.
Click one to see how to resolve it.
I have multiple companies in iCompleat & a supplier has sent the invoice to the wrong company.
iCompleat thinks my invoice is a credit note, or vice versa.
I'm not seeing the correct fields to code on my invoice.
The VAT total of the lines doesn't match the header's VAT total.
I need to divide one of the invoice lines to assign multiple codes to it.
What happens next?
Now that you've submitted the invoice for approval, it's in your Submitted tray. It's also in the Awaiting Approval tray of the user, or users, in the first stage of its selected workflow. Now, it's up to them to review the invoice & approve or deny it. If they approve it, it'll appear in your Approved tray. If they deny it, it'll appear in your Denied tray.
The next time iCompleat receives an invoice from that supplier, it will automatically apply all the supplier's default codes to save you the effort. If you selected a default workflow as part of the default mapping step, iCompleat will automatically submit future invoices from the supplier for approval, providing the other fields are automatically coded too, & there are no discrepancies between values & totals on the invoice.
Next time an invoice arrives from this supplier, watch it fly straight to your Submitted tray!
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