Choose the numbering schemes iCompleat assigns to different transaction types
When transactions are created in iCompleat they're assigned a unique reference number. Each reference number includes a prefix (eg. ORD) and a six-digit number (eg. 000015). Reference numbers are displayed against transactions in the Manage orders and Manage invoices trays. They make it easy for you to identify, manage, and search for transactions.
Reference numbers are determined by the numbering schemes that your iCompleat company has in place. Your company comes with four default numbering schemes - one for each transaction type:
- Invoices
- Orders (Orders that haven't been approved yet)
- Purchase orders (Fully approved orders)
- Credit notes
iCompleat administrators can edit these default numbering schemes, and create additional order numbering schemes for specific scenarios.
Just like custom rules, numbering schemes can be finely tuned to come into action when specific coding or events occur within transactions. This gives you flexibility to create numbering schemes that uniquely identify certain groups of transactions, like in our example below where we create an ordering numbering scheme beginning with RFSH that's only used for orders that use the Refreshments layout.
Edit a numbering scheme
To edit an existing numbering scheme, follow these steps.
- On the homepage, click Configuration.
- Click Numbering.
- Click the numbering scheme in the list that you'd like to edit.
- Click to edit the Name, Prefix, or Next number to allocate.
Name: Identifies the numbering scheme in the Manage numbering area.
Prefix: The first few digits of the numbering scheme.
Next number to allocate: The next transaction created or received in iCompleat that uses this numbering scheme will have a reference number ending in this.
If you enter '1' then the next transaction will have a reference number ending 000001. Subsequent transactions will follow the sequence. Eg. 000002, 000003, 000004.
- Click Save to apply your changes.
Create an order numbering scheme
You can create additional numbering schemes for orders that are only used when certain conditions apply to an order. For example, the order uses a particular layout, has a certain code assigned to it, or contains a specific item description or gross total.
A layout can only have one numbering scheme assigned to it.
To create a new numbering scheme, follow these steps.
- On the homepage, click Configuration.
- Click Numbering.
- Click Add order scheme.
- Enter a Name.
This will be displayed against the numbering scheme in the Manage numbering list.
- Switch the Active toggle on or off, depending on whether you want to use the numbering scheme immediately, or save it to use later.
- Give your numbering scheme a short Prefix.
This is the combination of letters or numbers that will appear at the beginning of the numbering scheme..
- Enter the Next number to allocate. The next transaction created or received in iCompleat that uses this numbering scheme will have a reference number ending in this.
If you enter '1' then the next transaction will have a reference number ending 000001. Subsequent transactions will follow the sequence. Eg. 000002, 000003, 000004.
- To create a condition that determines when the numbering scheme is used, click Add.
- From the drop-down, select a Field to apply the condition to.
We're selecting Layout.
- From the drop-down, select the type of condition to apply.
We're selecting Is equal to, meaning this numbering scheme will be used when an order uses a particular layout. We'll choose the layout next.
- Select the value to compare the field to.
In our example, we see a list of available layouts.
- When you're happy with your condition, click OK.
- Your numbering scheme is created!
- (Optional) You can add multiple conditions if you like, and then decide if your numbering scheme will be used if all of, or any of, your conditions apply.
From the drop-down, click an option.
Then, select Add to create another condition in the same way.
- When you're happy with your numbering scheme, click Save.
- You've created a new numbering scheme!
If you switched on the Active toggle, it will take effect immediately. If you left the Active toggle off, you can edit the numbering scheme at any time to switch the toggle on and make the numbering scheme active.
To view inactive numbering schemes, switch on the Show inactive records toggle above the list in Numbering.
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