Give users access to custom reports
Review and manipulate custom report results
Elevate your data game with iCompleat's custom reporting tool
iCompleat's new reporting tool combines simplicity with power, putting you in the driver’s seat to analyse your data exactly the way you want. Get ready to unleash a new level of control and insight!
Custom reports allow you to filter and view your data with precision and ease, drilling down to specific transactions using specific criteria and powerful parameters.
In this guide you will learn how to:
- Give users access to creating and/or viewing custom reports (if you're an Administrator)
- Create a simple date range custom report
- Add advanced filters to custom reports
- Review and manipulate custom report results
- Save a custom report for others to use
- Edit and delete custom reports
Give users access to custom reports
If you're an iCompleat Administrator, you need to give the correct users permission to access the custom reports tool.
Follow these steps to give users permission to access custom reports.
- Click Configuration.
- Click Users.
- Click a user who needs custom reports access.
- In the Reporting tab, scroll down and switch on the Access 'Custom' reporting toggle to give the user access to custom reports that other users have created in the company.
Switch on the Allow creating/editing custom reports toggle to give the user the ability to create and amend existing custom reports.
- Users with access to custom reporting will now see the Saved reports area in Reporting, with tiles below for any existing reports created in the company by other users.
Users with access to create and edit custom reports will also see the New report tile.
Exploring custom reports
After clicking New report, you arrive in the report construction screen.
The filtering tool at the top lets you build a report based on custom criteria.
Three buttons below the filtering tool provide these options:
- Filter - Populates the results pane below with transactions that meet your custom criteria
- Export - Sends the filtered results to an .xlxs export
- Save - Allows you to save the report for others in your company to use
Create a custom report
Follow the steps below to create a custom report. In the example in these steps, we use example criteria to create a report within a specific date range, excluding invoices, and from either the supplier Artset Graphics or Newmans Stationery.
Create a simple date range report
A simple date range report lets you see all transactions received within a certain date range, grouped into transaction type (Invoices, Orders, and Credit notes).
Follow these steps to create one.
- Leaving the Date created and Is on or before dropdowns in the filtering tool, click the calendar to choose a start date for your date range.
- Leaving the first two dropdowns again, click the calendar and select an end date for your date range.
- Click Filter.
- The grid below updates with the results of the report.
Add an expression to a report
Expressions let you hone into your results using specific criteria. In this example, we're going to exclude invoices from our custom report results.
Follow these steps to add an expression to a report.
- Leaving the Add option highlighted so that the expression is added to the existing filtered results, click the Group button on the right.
A group creates a space for you to add expressions to your custom report.
- Click the Expression button within the new group.
- In the Expression, use the drop-downs to set the parameters Transaction Type > Is not equal to > Invoice.
- Click Filter to update the custom report results.
- The grid below updates with the results of the report.
Note the description above the grid which breaks down the parameters behind the custom report.
Add an advanced filter
Advanced filters let you drill down further to a specific data set. In this example, we'll use the analysis field of Supplier to only see transactions with our suppliers Artset Graphics and Newman's Stationery.
This will mean our custom report above will now display transactions that are within our specified date range, are not invoices, and which are for the suppliers Artset Graphics or Newmans Stationery.
Here's how to add advanced filters.
- Click the Add Group button to create another new group to the report.
- This time, set the logic to be OR.
- Click Add Expression twice to add two new expressions.
- Use the drop-downs to define your expressions with parameters.
We're setting the parameters to Supplier Name > Is equal to > Artset Graphics and Newmans Stationery.
- Click Filter.
- The grid below updates with the results of the custom report.
For reference, here's what the settings look like for the custom rule we just created.
Create a report with a rolling date range
Our custom reports tool gives you the power to create a dynamic report that applies the concepts of yesterday and today as date logic, meaning a report will be up to date with the latest data every time you run it.
The following date logic variations are available:
- Is today
- Is before today
- Is after today
- Is yesterday
- Is before or equal to yesterday
To create a report with a rolling date range, simply select Date created from the first logic drop-down in the filtering tool, and then select one of the data logic options from the second drop-down.
Review and manipulate custom report results
As well as the filtering tool, our results pane is highly customisable to present your results in a way that suits your needs.
Click a column header to sort it into alphabetical or numerical order.
Click the three dots beside a column name to access the following options for sorting the results in the column:
1. Sort Ascending
2. Sort Descending
3. Specify the columns you want to view and hide in the report
4. Set a column's position by moving it to the next or previous column.
To resize a column, hover between column titles, then click and drag the green line that appears.
To view the line information behind a transaction, click the black arrow to its left.
To open the transaction source document, click a transaction in the grid.
Save your report for others to use
When you save a custom report, other users with permission to view custom reports will have access to it in the Reports area. Any users with permission to edit custom reports will also be able to make changes to it, including adjusting, adding and removing filters, or deleting the report entirely.
You can save up to 20 custom reports.
Follow these steps to save your report at any time while you're creating it.
- Below the filtering tool and above the report grid, click Save.
- Give your report a Report Name and Description, and click Confirm Save.
Other members of your team with access to custom reports will be able to see the report name and description.
- The report is saved, and appears in the Reports area under Saved Reports.
Edit a saved report
You can make further edits to a saved report any time you like, including reports that you have created, or saved reports created by other users.
You must have permission to edit reports in your user profile in order to edit reports.
To open a saved report and edit it, follow these steps.
- Under Saved Reports, click a report to open.
The report description appears when you hover over a saved report tile.
- In the top-right of the screen, click the down arrow to reveal the custom report filtering tool
- The filtering tool appears, and you can make any edits you need to.
Delete a custom report
If you have access to edit custom reports, you can delete a report if you need to.
Deleting a custom report is a permanent action; once a custom report is deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
Follow these steps to delete a custom report.
- Within a custom report, click Delete in the top-right.
- A pop-up appears asking you to confirm you'd like to delete the report.
Click Ok.
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