Handy email alerts from iCompleat when transactions are waiting
In Notifications you can access the settings for the email notifications that iCompleat can send to Approvers and AP Operators.
iCompleat can send notifications when:
- A transaction needs approving
- A transaction needs processing
- A transaction is fully approved
- A transaction has been denied
- A transaction has been auto-submitted for approval
It can also send regular reports to Approvers and AP Operators summarising transactions that require approving or processing.
In this guide, we explain the notifications available, and show you how to configure them.
Notifications are sent to the email addresses saved in each individual user's iCompleat profile. To view and edit users' emails, go to Configuration > Users.
Access Notifications
- On the iCompleat homepage, click Configuration.
- Click Notifications.
Approver nudges
Approver nudges are emails that remind your approvers to take a look at any transactions in iCompleat that need approving.
Click Change.
Switch on a toggle to select whether approvers nudges will be sent after 24, 48, or 72 hours of a transaction arriving in the Awaiting approval tray.
From the drop-down on the right, select when to renotify them after the initial email notification.
If you choose to notify approvers after 72 hours, you can choose an additional user to notify from a drop-down on the right.
Click Save.
Approver daily report
The approver daily report is sent to all approvers. It summarises the transactions that are currently waiting for their approval.
Click Change.
Turn the toggle on to make the report active, and click Save.
Operator alerts
iCompleat can send alerts to selected AP Operators to tell them when an invoice or credit note is received that needs processing.
To configure operator alert settings, click Change.
Select one or more users from the drop-down who will receive the alerts, and click Save.
Operator daily report
iCompleat can send daily reports to selected AP Operators summarising all invoices and credit notes currently in the Unprocessed tray.
To configure the operator daily report settings, click Change.
Select one or more users from the drop-down who will receive the reports, and click Save.
Transaction event notifications
You can also enable email notifications for the following scenarios:
- A transaction requires approval from a workflow group (notify approvers in the workflow)
- A transaction is fully approved (notify the transaction owner or operator)
- A transaction is denied (notify the transaction owner or operator)
- A transaction is auto-submitted to a workflow (notify the transaction owner or operator)
- A transaction can't be auto-submitted to a workflow (notify the transaction owner or operator)
Switch the toggles on for orders and invoices as required.
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